water stream over rocks


Watershed ManagementApril 2020

Watershed ManagementApril 2020

figure 2: Beach erosion at Sunset Beach.
figure 2: Beach erosion at Sunset Beach.

Congratulations to Leah Bremer and colleagues who published “Who are We Measuring and Modeling for? Supporting Multilevel Decision-Making in Watershed Management” in the journal Water Resources Research.

Watershed management for a variety of benefits, including sustaining and enhancing clean and ample water supplies, is becoming more common worldwide. To achieve these ends, watershed management programs need the support of hydrologic data and models that are tailored to decision making contexts and user needs. We interviewed a wide range of participants in water management programs in Brazil and found five key areas where modeling and monitoring can support these programs: (1) inspire action and support, (2) inform investment decisions, (3) engage with potential participants, (4) prioritize location and types of activities at regional to national scales, and (5) evaluate program success.

Leah Bremer is a research faculty member with the Water Resources Research Center (https://www.wrrc.hawaii.edu/directory/faculty-detail/?smid=324) and the University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization (https://uhero.hawaii.edu/people/leah-bremer/). She is part of an interdisciplinary international collaborative research project, ClimateWIse, funded by the Belmont Forum, which focuses on understanding the current and future opportunities and challenges for watershed management programs in Brazil and the Andes in the context of climate change.

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