WRRC’s affiliate researcher Dr. Niels Grobbe and co-authors André Revil, Zhenya Zhu, and Evert Slob have published a book entitled “Seismoelectric Exploration: Theory, Experiments, and Applications (Geophysical Monograph Series).”
Why is seismoelectric exploration so significant? The seismoelectric method is the naturally occurring coupling of seismic waves to electromagnetic fields, and can provide insight into important properties of porous media. This method has diverse potential uses in the geological, environmental and engineering fields, such as characterizing groundwater aquifers, contaminant plumes, earthquake detection, and oil and gas exploration—and offers a number of advantages over conventional geophysical methods.
ISBN: 978-1-119-12737-6
October 2020
American Geophysical Union
496 Pages
Seismoelectric Exploration: Theory, Experiments, and Applications can be obtained from Wiley, Amazon, and all major bookstores.