
Water Quality Information Storage and Retrieval System for Hawaii, Final Report (Phase III)

Water Quality Information Storage and Retrieval System for Hawaii, Final Report (Phase III)

Technical Memorandum Report No. 43
Water Quality Information Storage and Retrieval System for Hawaii, Final Report (Phase III)

(November 1973 – September 1974) for the Department of Health State of Hawaii
Jaquelin N. Miller, Pamela M. Muller, and Alvin L. Char
February 1975

A computerized system for the storage and retrieval of Water Quality data and corresponding stations has been compiled for the Department of Health (DOH), State of Hawaii. Specific data banks include: zones of mixing, waste discharge and effluent, nonpotable water quality data, and the Water Resources Research Center’s “Quality of Coastal Waters” project data. The data processed along with certain station location catalogues has been prepared and delivered to the DOH. An initial updating scheme is presented for adding new data to the existing Phase I and II, DOH data sets. A detailed account of the methods employed, programs, and their usage is provided in Appendices A, B, and C.