
Percolation of Sewage Through Tantalus Cinders

Percolation of Sewage Through Tantalus Cinders

Technical Memorandum Report No. 11
Percolation of Sewage Through Tantalus Cinders

Kenneth Ishizaki and Reginald H. F. Young
February 1968

A pilot study was conducted on the ability of Tantalus cinders to remove organic matter and solids from percolating domestic waste water. Results showed little change in either parameter after passage through 2.5 feet of the cinder. The cinder had a coefficient of permeability of 35,200 gallons/day/ft2 (1.66 cm/sec) as determined in the laboratory. Under both constant and intermittent flow conditions the infiltration rate of the waste water decreased rapidly to as low as 1.07 ml/min from initial rates of approximately 1300 ml/min.