
Kailua Bay Circulation (KB-5)

Kailua Bay Circulation (KB-5)

Project Report PR-94-08
Kailua Bay Circulation (KB-5)

Hans-Jurgen Krock and Hari Sundararaghavan

October 1993


The objective of this study is to describe the transport characteristics of Kailua Bay, Oahu, Hawaii. This will allow a comparison of the relative importance of the wastewater discharged through the Mokapu Ocean Outfall with land-derived discharges on the bacteriological conditions in the recreational area of Kailua Bay. Measurements were made with current meters and drogues and dye. The results show that land-derived discharges have a much greater influence on the bacteriological water quality off Kailua Beach than does the Mokapu outfall discharge. The outfall discharge transport is primarily in the northerly direction and away from Kailua Bay. However, when the wind is directly from the north or from north by northeast, a portion of the surface layer from the Mokapu diffuser area can be transported to the reef area off south Kailua Beach and off Lanikai. Even under these conditions, the resulting bacteriological effect on the waters is less than 1% of that from land-derived discharges.