Technical Memorandum Report No. 48
Development of the University of Hawaii-Manoa Stream Gaging Station
Yu-Si Fok and Reginald H. F. Young
May 1976
Manoa Stream drains the Manoa Valley watershed located near the central part of the Honolulu metropolitan area. Past studies have characterized the streamflow, sediment, and water quality of Manoa Stream. However, the two existing streamflow gaging stations on the stream are located near the head of the valley and none in the downstream section. Hence, there is no good way to correlate the discharge at these gages with the discharge in the downstream sections of the stream. In this study, a permanent stream gaging station was established at a downstream location on the University of Hawaii campus. The development, instrumentation, method of operation, and maintenance of this gaging station are reported herein. Data obtained from this new University of Hawaii-Manoa Stream Gaging Station will allow meaningful measurements of streamflow and water quality characteristics of Manoa Stream.