
Optimize Aeration, Secondary Clarifier and Disinfection Processes

Optimize Aeration, Secondary Clarifier and Disinfection Processes

National Institute for Water Resources, Water Resources Research Institute Program

9/1/00 - 12/31/03

The U.S. Army’s Schofield Barracks Wastewater Treatment Plant has a history of not consistently meeting the microbial requirements for discharge into the Waialua Sugar Company irrigation system. The disinfection challenge of reducing the total coliform is that the final effluent quality shall not exceed 23/100 ml for a 30-day median or exceed 240/100 ml in any sample. The research objectives were (1) to determine whether the chlorine disinfection process is adequate for meeting the microbial requirements and (2) to determine whether the upstream biological process should or can be improved to lessen the burden on the disinfection process.

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