Development of a New Technique for the Use of Dissolved Helium as an Environmental Groundwater Tracer
SPONSOR: National Institute for Water Resources, Water Resources Research Institute Program PROJECT PERIOD: 3/1/2005 – 2/28/2006 ABSTRACT: Tracer tests are an important method for determining the flow characteristics and patterns of subsurface water (such as groundwater aquifers) and surface water…
Benthic Infauna Community Structure in Reef Sediments Adjacent to Sewage Outfalls at the Agana and North District Treatment Plants, Guam, Mariana Islands
SPONSOR:Guam Water Works Dept. PROJECT PERIOD:04/01/05 – 02/28/07 ABSTRACT:The benthic invertebrate community structure was characterized at outfall sites at Agana and Northern District Treatment Plant (NDTP) on Guam in July 2001. The intent was to characterize the infaunal species present…
Remediation of Arsenic in Hawaii Soils – Laboratory and Field Pilot Studies of Geochemical Fixation
SPONSOR: Hawaii Department of Health PROJECT PERIOD: 10/01/06 – 09/30/07 ABSTRACT: Arsenic (As) has been known to cause a variety of adverse health effects, including skin and several internal cancers, and cardiovascular and neurological effects (National Research Council, 1999). Thus,…
Influence of Soluble Organic Matter on Cryptosporidium Parvum Oocyst Mobility in Variable Charge Soils
SPONSOR: USDA PROJECT PERIOD: 07/15/06 – 07/14/09 ABSTRACT: Cryptosporidia are pathogenic protozoa that are present in the digestive tracts of a wide range of vertebrates. Runoff water can carry Cryptosporidium oocysts (a tough dormant form) from manure to source waters…
Identification and Control of Membrane Bioreactor Biofouling Organisms Using Genetic Fingerprinting – Year 2
SPONSOR: National Institute for Water Resources, Water Resources Research Institute Program USGS PROJECT PERIOD: 03/01/06 – 02/29/08 ABSTRACT: Membrane bioreactors (MBRs) are a relatively new wastewater treatment technology which combines several typical unit operations (primary sedimentation, activated sludge aeration and…
Hydrologic Analysis of Hawaii Watersheds for Flood Control and Water Quality Management
SPONSOR: National Institute for Water Resources, Water Resources Research Institute Program PROJECT PERIOD: 3/1/2006 – 8/31/2008 ABSTRACT: The establishment of the rainfall-runoff relationship of a watershed is an important and difficult problem in applied hydrology. The rainfall-runoff relationships of Hawai’i…
Fate and Transport of Contaminants in a Stream-Aquifer System
SPONSOR: USGS State Water Resources Research Institute Program PROJECT PERIOD: 03/01/06 – 02/28/07 ABSTRACT: Streams and rivers transport sediments, natural organic matter, and, frequently, land-applied chemicals. Many drinking-water wells located on streambanks and riverbanks induce a portion of the stream…
Evaluation of Hydrogen Production Mechanisms and Microflora in Landfill Microcosms
SPONSOR:North Carolina State University PROJECT PERIOD:08/01/06 – 01/01/08 ABSTRACT: This research was a collaboration involving personnel and other resources from North Carolina State University that were utilized in experiments that were conducted at the University of Hawaii. The scope of…
Bioaccessible Arsenic in Soils of Former Sugar Cane Plantation, Island of Hawaii
SPONSOR: Hawaii State Department of Health Office of Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response PROJECT PERIOD: 10/1/2006 – 10/31/2008 ABSTRACT: Arsenical herbicides were used extensively for emergent weed control in Hawaiian sugar cane cultivation from 1913 to about 1950. As a…
Assessment of Veterinary Antibiotics, Hormones, and Pathogens in Animal Wastes and Their Fate and Transport in Tropical Soils
SPONSOR: USDA-Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service PROJECT PERIOD: 08/23/06 – 09/14/08 ABSTRACT: In animal husbandry, antibiotics and hormones need to be used for efficient and economical production. Administration of these chemicals is more common for animals raised in…