
Groundwater Resources of Kwajalein Island, Marshall Islands

Groundwater Resources of Kwajalein Island, Marshall Islands

Technical Memorandum Report No. 63
Groundwater Resources of Kwajalein Island, Marshall Islands

Frank L. Peterson and Charles D. Hunt, Jr.
March 1981

During the period July 1978 to December 1980, a detailed study of the fresh groundwater resources of Kwajalein Island, Marshall islands, was conducted. A total of 23 observation wells was constructed to monitor the thickness, areal extent, and quality of the Kwajalein groundwater lens. During the period of study, recharge to the fresh groundwater lens ranged from 8.93 x 105 m3/yr (236 mil gal/yr) to 1.45 X 106 m3 (383 mil gal/yr), and averaged over 1.14 X 106 m3/yr (300 mil gal/yr). Fresh qroundwater lens storage fluctuated widely from about 9.08 x 105 m3 (240 mil gal) to about 1.21 X 106 m3 (320 mil gal), and averaged over 1.06 X 106 m3 (280 mil gal). Sustainable yield for the Kwajalein groundwater lens is estimated to exceed 1.89 x 105 m3/yr (50 mil gal/yr).