North Carolina State University
08/01/06 - 01/01/08
This research was a collaboration involving personnel and other resources from North Carolina State University that were utilized in experiments that were conducted at the University of Hawaii. The scope of work that was conducted by UH was as follows:
1. Assisted with Set-up of Landfill Microcosm Experiments. Approximately 14 2-Liter reactor columns were set-up in the laboratory at UH. Reactor columns were placed in a temperature controlled water bath. Reactor columns were sealed and had ports for adding humidified air and collecting evolved gases. Evolved gas was collected in Tedlar bags for analyses. Eight reactors contained material excavated from the Waimanalo Gulch Landfill. Another six reactor columns contained fresh refuse entering the landfill. UH personnel assisted with obtaining landfill contents/fresh refuse, column/waterbath set-up, gas handling system set-up, and other necessary experimental apparatus.
2. Assisted with operation and Monitoring of Landfill Microcosm Experiments. Reactor columns required daily maintenance and regular sampling. Gas volume was measured via water displacement. Gas composition (CH4, C02, N2, 02, H2, CO) was measured via gas chromatography at UH. Liquid samples from the refuse/landfill contents were analyzed for pH. carboxylic acids (acetate, propionate and butyrate), and solvents (acetone, ethanol) via gas chromatography at UK LIH personnel assisted with operation, maintenance, sampling, sample extraction/analyses, and other activities as necessary to complete the project.