Extensively renovated and updated in 2004, WRRC’s microbiology laboratory is capable of performing microbiological as well as some molecular biological analyses such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The lab is equipped with a PCR thermal cycler; electrophoresis equipment; and a low-pressure, low intensity UV, and a medium pressure, high-intensity UV, collimated beam unit (used to test the disinfection capabilities of ultraviolet light). Of course the lab is also equipped with the standard micro lab necessities (a biological safety hood, aerobic and anaerobic incubators, water baths, microscopes, membrane filtration apparatus, tabletop centrifuges, and storage refrigerators.) For rapid water quality testing to detect coliforms and E. coli, the Colilert system is used in this lab. Likewise, the Microtox bioassay testing system is used for toxicity screening of water samples (marine or fresh).
The WRRC library located in Holmes Hall 285, is a repository for the more than 400 reports produced by WRRC researchers since the Center’s establishment.
The Center’s offices, library and laboratories are located on the UH-Manoa campus, in Holmes Hall. Most faculty have offices with their instructional department.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]