Technical Memorandum Report No. 76 Membrane Water-Storage Enclosures: A Pilot Study in East Loch, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Yu-Si Fok & Edwin T. Murabayashi July 1984 ABSTRACT Pilot field tests were conducted in the continuing conceptual development of using impermeable membranes…
Category: Technical Memorandums (page 8)
Spectral Analysis of Hawaii Rainfall
Technical Memorandum Report No. 77 Spectral Analysis of Hawaii Rainfall Shan-hsin Chiang, Jen-hu Chang, Yu-Si Fok August 1985 ABSTRACT The empirical orthogonal function was applied to analyze 40-yr annual rainfall data for 80 stations in the state of Hawaii, which…
Two-Dimensional Infiltration Equations: Soil-Box Laboratory Experiments
Technical Memorandum Report No. 78 Two-Dimensional Infiltration Equations: Soil-Box Laboratory Experiments Shan-hsin Chiang and Yu-Si Fok August 1985 ABSTRACT Infiltration equations can be used to describe furrow and drip irrigation, groundwater recharge, and wastewater injection. Physical two-dimensional (2-D) infiltration equations…
In-Line Blending Investigation for Honolulu Water System
Technical Memorandum Report No. 79 In-Line Blending Investigation for Honolulu Water System John Y.C. Chang August 1985 ABSTRACT The turbulence normally encountered in water works transmission and distribution pipelines is sufficient to mix several sources of water so that the…
Groundwater Recharge with Honouliuli Wastewater Irrigation, Ewa Plain, Southern Oahu, Hawaii
Technical Memorandum Report No. 80 Groundwater Recharge with Honouliuli Wastewater Irrigation, Ewa Plain, Southern Oahu, Hawaii L. Stephen Lau, Gordon L. Dugan, William R. Hardy August 1986 ABSTRACT The Ewa caprock aquifer has been a long-standing water source for southern…
Monitoring Makakilo Well No. 1 for Human Enteroviruses and Selected Bacteria Indicators
Technical Memorandum Report No. 81 Monitoring Makakilo Well No. 1 for Human Enteroviruses and Selected Bacteria Indicators Roger S. Fujioka and L. Stephen Lau May 1987 ABSTRACT Groundwater is the sourre of 99% of the drinking water provided to consumers…
Vertical Movement of Saltwater-Freshwater Interface in a Thick Groundwater System
Technical Memorandum Report No. 82 Vertical Movement of Saltwater-Freshwater Interface in a Thick Groundwater System Akio Ogata & L. Stephen Lau March 1990 ABSTRACT A theoretical function is derived to predict the transient position of the saltwater-freshwater interface set in…
Bacterial Contamination of Water Resources on Moen, Truk Islands, Federated States of Micronesia
Technical Memorandum Report No. 83 Bacterial Contamination of Water Resources on Moen, Truk Islands, Federated States of Micronesia by F. DeWolfe Miller, Philip S. Moravcik, Nascha Siren, & Sanphy William September 1991 ABSTRACT Shallow wells and individual rainwater catchment systems…
The Cell-Analytical-Numerical Technique for Solving Unsaturated-Flow and Solute-Transport Problems
Technical Memorandum Report No. 84 The Cell-Analytical-Numerical Technique for Solving Unsaturated-Flow and Solute-Transport Problems Aly I. El-Kadi & Osman A. Elnawawy March 1992 ABSTRACT The cell analytical-numerical (CAN) method was developed and applied for the solution of one-dimensional water flow…