Project Report PR-94-05 Assessing the Impact of Mokapu Sewage Outfall on the Shoreline Water Quality of Kailua Bay (KB-2) Roger S. Fujioka, Chunmei Wu, and Carrie K. Fujioka October 1993 ABSTRACT The discharge of secondary treated sewage effluent from the…
Category: Project Reports (page 11)
Kailua Bay Studies: Community Interaction (KB-1)
Project Report PR-94-04 Kailua Bay Studies: Community Interaction (KB-1) Philip Moravcik and Leroy Heitz October 1993 ABSTRACT A community interaction project was included as a component of the overall Kailua Bay water quality and water circulation studies. The intended purpose…
Water Supply and Demand Problems in Rapidly Growing Small Islands
Project Report PR-94-03 Water Supply and Demand Problems in Rapidly Growing Small Islands Nobuya Miwa September 1993 ABSTRACT Water resources management is one of the key issues that affect the long-term sustainability of economic development and growth of small island…
An Analysis of the Fish Communities Along the Barbers Point Deep Ocean Outfall, Oahu, Hawaii, Using Remote Video, 1992 Data
Project Report PR-94-02 An Analysis of the Fish Communities Along the Barbers Point Deep Ocean Outfall, Oahu, Hawaii, Using Remote Video, 1992 Data Richard E. Brock August 1993 ABSTRACT Because the diffuser of the Barbers Point deep ocean outfall lies…
Evaporation Along a Transect Across Southern Oahu, Hawaii
Project Report PR-94-01 Evaporation Along a Transect Across Southern Oahu, Hawaii Paul C. Ekern August 1993 ABSTRACT Water resources management is one of the key issues that affect the long-term sustainability of economic development and growth of small island communities.…
Necropsy and Liver Histopathology for Fish Sampled in the Vicinity of the Barbers Point Ocean Outfall and the Maunalua Bay Reference Station, O’ahu, Hawai’i, January-March 2008
PROJECT REPORT PR-2008-10 Necropsy and Liver Histopathology for Fish Sampled in the Vicinity of the Barbers Point Ocean Outfall and the Maunalua Bay Reference Station, O’ahu, Hawai’i, January-March 2008 Thierry M. Work May 2008, viii + 16 pp. ABSTRACT Fish-liver…
Benthic Faunal Sampling Adjacent to the Wai’anae Ocean Outfall, O’ahu, Hawai’i, June 2008
PROJECT REPORT PR-2009-07 Benthic Faunal Sampling Adjacent to the Wai’anae Ocean Outfall, O’ahu, Hawai’i, June 2008 Anthony R. Russo, Julie H. Bailey-Brock, William J. Cooke, Regina K. Kawamoto December 2008, xii + 188 pp. ABSTRACT In June 2008 City and…
Benthic Faunal Sampling Adjacent to the Sand Island Ocean Outfall, O’ahu, Hawai’i, September 2008
PROJECT REPORT PR -2009-08 Benthic Faunal Sampling Adjacent to the Sand Island Ocean Outfall, O’ahu, Hawai’i, September 2008 William G. Ambrose, Jr., Julie H. Bailey-Brock, William J. Cooke, Regina K. Kawamoto March 2009, xiv + 255 pp. ABSTRACT In September…
Necropsy and Liver Histopathology for Fish Sampled Adjacent to the Barbers Point Ocean Outfall and the Maunalua Bay Reference Station, O’ahu, Hawai’i, January 2009
PROJECT REPORT PR-2009-09 Necropsy and Liver Histopathology for Fish Sampled Adjacent to the Barbers Point Ocean Outfall and the Maunalua Bay Reference Station, O’ahu, Hawai’i, January 2009 Thierry M. Work April 2009, vii + 12 pp. ABSTRACT Fish-liver histopathology is…
Benthic Faunal Sampling Adjacent to the Barbers Point Ocean Outfall, O’ahu, Hawai’i, March 2009
PROJECT REPORT PR-2010-01 Benthic Faunal Sampling Adjacent to the Barbers Point Ocean Outfall, O’ahu, Hawai’i, March 2009 William G. Ambrose, Jr., Julie H. Bailey-Brock, William J. Cooke, Cynthia L. Hunter, and Regina K. Kawamoto July 2009, xiii + 204 pp.…